January 10, 2015 - No Comments - permalink
Allergies-This is the reaction to what it perceives as a foreign substance that must be eliminated like food flavorings, MSG, dust, pollen, toxic cleaners, pesticides, molds, fungus, bacteria, cat dander, dust mites, certain foods like peanuts, milk (lactose), wheat (gluten), shell fish, and soy to name a few. Finding what you one allergic to is big help but even if you know it’s hard to avoid contact.
To produce an allergen resistance body is touch but there are steps to attempt this resistance.
Step 1: Detoxify toxins existing in the body see chapter on detoxification. It is important to get rid of the enemy within
Step 2: Fortify the body with a potent multivitamin to avoid vitamin deficiencies and take colloidal miners to get 74 trace minerals needed daily which includes chromium where deficiency creates a “sweet tooth”
Step 3: Make sure your body is alkaline not acidic by using Litmus Paper Test (see chapter ). An acidic body is a breeding ground for bacteria and creates poor digestion and poor nutrient assimilation. Also acidic body is usually mineral and calcium deficient because these ? same used up trying to keep the body alkaline. This leaves the cells deficient of calcium and ripe for disease. Disease proliferates in an acidic environment.
Step: Poor digestive tract bacteria leads to poor digestion, constipation, poor nutrient assimilation and constipation. All of these are potential triggers for allergic reactions. Good bacteria from yogurt, unheated sauerkraut, raw fruit, vegetables and probiotic help feed good bacteria. Bad bacteria become prevalent due to high sugar and high carbohydrate intake along with too much meat and over cooked foods, vegetable oils, fried foods and white flour products like bread.
Foods compatible with good bacteria other than those mentioned above is coconut oil, a really good fat and is also anti-bacterial plus a good source of energy, raw honey is good for allergies especially the “bee spit” call propropolen usually only available in a supplement or from bee keepers upon request. In addition it dries up mucus and perfect for children and adults.
Supplements that will help fight allergies:
Vitamin C-antioxidant that also fights histamine production
Herb Stinging Nettle supplies calcium and silica for bones
Dark fruits or a bioflavionid supplement like Quercetin also reduces histamine production that starts the allergy reaction also apples and citrus
Vitamin B6 helps with adrenal gland and thyroid support to fight allergens
Grape Seed extract or ? – anti-oxidant magnesium
Sea Salt spray for stuffy nose to kill bad bacteria
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